Procedures related with Hotels Promotion and reservations.

1. Hotel Listing

1. Hotel Listing

List your Hotel by completing the relevant listing form.

2. Publish

2. Publish

We list your Hotel at our system and publish it on Site.

3. Promotion

3. Promotion

We promote your Hotel to B2B & B2C customers.

4. Reservations

4. Reservations

We receive and manage reservations for your Hotel.

5. Check availability

5. Check availability

We check your availability every time we receive a reservation.

6. Confirm reservation

6. Confirm reservation

If you have availability, we send you the reservation to book it.

7. Reservation Payout

7. Reservation Payout

When a reservation is booked, we send you the payment.

8. Financial Clearance

8. Financial Clearance

Financial clearance between both parts depended on agreement.